Kaiser und Waltermann Anwendung Verbindungslösungen

Security and stability with our connection solutions

Whether "rivet" or “rivets" - that is debatable. One thing is certain, however: rivets, pins and sleeves are of great importance, because they not only hold products together, but also serve to attach and connect objects. An example of this is our product, the tubular rivet. Our tubular rivets play an important role in the fastening of belts and tarpaulins, especially in applications where safety is paramount.

Diverse applications for the highest security

Our tubular rivets are used in a wide variety of areas, e.g. in truck tarpaulins, trailer tarpaulins, parachute belts, climbing belts and technical belts such as tension, lifting and lashing belts. These belts are not only used to secure goods, but also to ensure the safety of people. Safety is crucial in these applications, since the products have to withstand high loads.

High-quality tubular rivet for secure connections

Our tubular rivets are indispensable components in tarpaulin accessories and fastening systems, which have to withstand extreme loads. We attach particular importance to quality and manufacture sophisticated products that meet the highest demands.

Your partner for secure attachments

Trust Kaiser & Waltermann when it comes to the secure and stable fastening of belts, tarpaulins and other safety devices. The safety of your products and your customers is important to us. Contact us today and learn more about our high-quality fastening solutions and how they can contribute to safety in various industries.

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